0131 asks you (CTI 2 Dev.)

CTI 2 Development.
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from time to time when i have to implement some core mechanics into the slideviewer, questions appear like "How should i implement this part of the system" because the rules aren´t 100% clear about that specific part.
But a computer only knows true or false and so most times i have to decide what is right and what is wrong.
So this thread is basically here to get some opinions from other cti´zens.

Open questions:
  • If a card A says "Do ... until the next Nice Mistress" and another card B says "Ignore the next Nice Mistress"
    You now draw a Nice Mitress:
    1. Do you stop with card A and just ignore the card effect of the drawn Mitress?
    2. Or would you wait until the next Nice Mistress?

    Option 2 implemented
  • Another card type question about double typed cards, would you like that a "Nice Mistress/Chance to Cum" can also be drawn as a Chance to Cum?
    For example you started a tease with 10 Chance to Cum cards and the next card drawn will be a Chance to Cum, should it possible to draw a card with a main-type other than Chance to Cum.
    • Personally, i would stick to drawing only cards based on their main-type, but i could make it optional.
  • If a card says "Until the next Nice Mistress" (Or any other card type) and you then draw a card with a mixed type, like "Delousion / Nice Mistress" would you cancel card 1?
    If not, would you cancel card 1 if the card would have "Nice Mistress" as prime type -> "Nice Mistress / Delousion"?

    Implemented, a mixed type counts as each of its types.
  • The definition for Edge cards is not quite clear, if you get an Edge card which tells you to edge before the next instruction for example:
    1. Are you allowed to stroke as fast as needed to edge? (even if your stroke count is 0, even if you are in chastity belt?)
    2. If you have to stroke with your current rate what happens if you fail (there is most times nothing described on the card for this case).

    If option 1: Sould the ticker enter an edge mode (ticking realy fast, or something diffrent)?

    When ordered to edge you may stroke as fast as you wish aslong as stroking is not permitted for example by a handsoff instruction or a chastity belt. The ticker will enter an edge mode (100).

Other tasks:
  • Since version 0.4.1 the Personalize menu is open
    • Im sure that there are plenty of spelling/grammatical mistakes, if you find some write me a message or post them. (Or in any other part of the programm)
    • If you think something is missing just tell me.
I will add more question to this post later.
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I agree with option 1.
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When I ignore a card, it doesn't exist. If your system is awesome enough, I would be temporarily replaced with a slide, and you'd never know what it was, and it doesn't count as any type of instruction (potentially ending another cards effect). (Option 2)

Where things get dicey is when you have multiple ignore requests. Say, Ignore the next Chance to Cum while ignoring all cards that aren't Rough Mistresses. With most teases running a minimum number of Chance to Cum cards, it can be unbalancing not to let the few you have reduce that count. One option is to let each instruction apply to each ignore command simultaneously. That would be the easiest to implement, and the least boring. Ignoring cards gets pretty lame anyway. Otherwise, you'd have to work out a priority system, possibly based on card types and FIFO (First in, first out). Yuck.
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Thx for the feedback.
@ Inside7Shadows
The current system contains a hardcoded "ignore" variable for each card type and cards in general, if a card says ignore the next 2 cards and a another one said ignore the next chance to cum, and now a chance to cum appears, then both variables are decreased.

These hardcoded variables are necessary to implement card effect like "The number of Chance to Cum cards you have to ignore is now 0".

(A card which would say ignore all cards that aren't Rough Mistresses, would be a special case you can´t handle it with the hardcoded variables, so you would have to set the card to "active" and then catch each cardcall, check its type and ignore it if is not a rough mistress.)

It would be very easy to replace a ignored card with a simple random image, hiding a ignored cards isn´t a bad idea i think i will implement option 2,
but it would be also good to show the card you may have had with a big fat"Ignored!" label, especially if its a chance to cum or a nice mistress, i will leave this as an option.
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New question added.
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"If a card says "Until the next Nice Mistress" (Or any other card type) and you then draw a card with a mixed type, like "Delousion / Nice Mistress" would you cancel card 1?
If not, would you cancel card 1 if the card would have "Nice Mistress" as prime type -> "Nice Mistress / Delousion"?"

I feel like mixed card types act as both types. So yes, card 1 would be canceled. Again with CTI 2 we can change cards and what types we allow.

I feel like many mix types are dumb. Any card that lets you cum should be a chance to cum card (unless it's a unique card that let's you cum without a chance to cum). Mistress/Master cards can be nice or rough but are still Mistress type. I feel like there are too many types personally, but now I'm ranting.
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I can't think of any game where a hybrid won't count as both elements.

I'm also a purist, but maybe a hybrid delusional card is more useful to people who don't use delutionals?

Edit: I was trying to think of Bearcats. Neither Bear or Cat, they are actually closer related to a mongoose.
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Hybrids should definitely count as both no matter the order.

Unrelated note, I'm not a big fan of hybrids in their current form mostly because I prefer a very minimal amount of primary types and then supplement those primary types with flags. I always feel there's far too much overlap with card types. I have cards that could qualify as 4 or 5 different cards and it causes too much chaos for me.
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New edge question added a while ago.

Core Set - Edge cards are pretty easy but i am not sure how to support edge in the teaseviewer, a special ticker sound or something like that?
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