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  • Purpose
Hello and Welcome! ShadowView was designed in the death-throws of the original CTI commity forum as a showcase for requested features in a tease viewer. Specifically, it has support for the Skirmish set. Some cards made specifically for this viewer can be found here.
Edit: Forgot the latest version got downgraded to Excel '97 for some reason. Obsolete functions? Corrected link.
  • Requirements
Shadow view requires 64 bit Windows and Excel. The code is open and free to edit. Just don't be a dick and try selling it.
32 bit systems can make manual adjustments in code.
Adjustments may be required to read comments in different windows systems

  • Menu Descriptions: Main Menu
    Main Menu.jpg
    Main Menu.jpg (58.68 KiB) Viewed 5775 times
  • Deck: Your Deck list will be blank initially. Go to Edit Deck
  • Wait to Display: This will delay the selected folder (typically Chance to Cum)
  • Display Remaining: Will count how many cards in the above folder remain.
  • Randomness: This is a Standard Deviation based on Normal Distribution. This will vary the amount of each type of Instruction and the number of images between each instruction. This value is halved when varying the Wait to Display percentage. For example, if you have 10 images between each slide, and your Standard Deviation is 0.2, 99.6% (3 sigma) of instructions will be followed by 4-16 images (10 ± 3*10*0.2). At a Standard Deviation of 0.333, 0.2% of instructions will be followed by 0 images. Decimals are rounded randomly (10.4 has a 40% to be rounded to 11). Without randomness, everything is rounded to an integer.
  • Start with instruction: Some people just don't like to wait. Otherwise, stroke normally at your beginning rate.
  • Force at Least one result: This will force a minimum of 1 image between each instruction, 1 instruction of each type listed, and 1 alternate instruction between each Wait to Display (I think...). For example, if you managed 25% Chance to Cum, but waited until 80% of the slide show, 5% of the overflow would be randomly shuffled into the tease, and the last 20% would all be Chance to Cum. If you Force at least 1, 15% of your Chance to Cum would be shuffled into the tease randomly, and would only be half of the last 20%. (The shuffling parameters got complicated and I want to be transparent)
  • Skirmish Mode: Open Viewer with Skirmish Controls.
  • Edit Deck: Assigns folder paths
  • Start New: Teases are printed out into a worksheet and saved.
  • Run Saved: Open an existing worksheet and try again (or recover from a crash!)
  • Delete List: Deleting a worksheet from the menu, won't allow you delete required worksheets.
  • Everything else can't be edited (grey background) and is just a reminder of what's in the tease.
  • To do
Port to OpenOffice to increase accessability
Image compression is abysmal
Text box does not toggle properly
Hot keys cannot be used during speech or errors occur
Upgrade Discipline to a Card system

Edit: Explained buttons. More this weekend.
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Sorry for the delay. I don't actually have an Excel Licence on this computer, so I can only open it 25 times before reinstalling. It's been a while since I've poked at this. Also, I was surprised how long it actually takes to dictate!
  • Menu Descriptions: Edit
Edit2.jpg (76.02 KiB) Viewed 5750 times
  • Deck: Type in the name of a new Deck, or use the drop down to edit an existing one. Change the name to save as a different deck.
  • Sound: Find a folder with a .wav file in. If there are several, it will run through them randomly. Highly suggest using Warcraft 2 battle sounds (included) for Skirmish TeasesTM. This is function will not second guess you. If you try to run Otep - Blood Pigs.wav as your ticker, it will play until interrupted by the next sound. You may also experience performance issues.
  • Instructions: ShadowView does not have mandatory folder names or locations, and will support up to 16 different instruction folders per tease! Just use the [...] to find any instruction folder and it will record the file paths of the first 16 folders it finds. You can use ShadowView without needing to copy over your instructions from another tease folder. You can also add or edit locations in pane and are not limited to a single root folder (Hit: copy paste from windows address bar). If your folder path changes, go to the worksheet _Decks and use ctrl+H to replace the old path with the new path.
  • Pictures: IIRC, I suck up all picture file paths into an array, then weave it into the instructions. Large porn stashes (32K+ images) may cause performance issues. Check Recursive if you want to dive into sub-folders.
  • Starting Rate: Not automatically 10! Also used with the Discipline button when edging.
  • Starting Time: Time between slides. Use to calculate Approx. Length (in minutes)
  • Percent Instructions: Determines the density of instructions.
  • Number of Instructions: Scales the length of a tease.
  • Ratio: Put any number into Ratio, your percent of each instruction will be take out of the total. No need to add values up to 100%. Want 5 Chastity belts and 1 Chance to Cum? The math is easy. 2/3 Rough Mistress, 1/3 Stroke it!? Just put in a 2 and a 1. Easy!
    Note: The text is left aligned until you click on it, then it becomes right aligned.
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Created software for the community!
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Jacta alea esto
First and foremost, Excel has lousy image re-sizing. I understand this makes the program nearly unusable, but I have not found a solution (aside from an OpenOffice port and hoping for the best).
  • Menu Descriptions: Help
    Help1.jpg (23.91 KiB) Viewed 5750 times
  • Quick list of what I hope are standard hot keys.
  • T: Toggle ticker
  • H: Open this menu
  • F: Flag current slide - Excel can't do file operations other than read. This will add a hotlink to your current slide so you can track it down later. If you feel up to altering registry keys, you can get this to open in the default picture viewer rather than the default internet viewer.
  • C: Countdown - this is for displaying your remaining Chances to Cum
  • M: Master Stroker - By default, there is no ticking during instructions. Use this if you need to stroke during instruction or are blindfolded.
  • N: Force Next - Great when fighting Golems, and your time between slides is 30 seconds. Change the time and hit N to move on.
  • W/S: Edges Up/Down. Teases record metrics in their worksheet: BadLuck, Edges, Discipline, and Duration. Bad luck is a measurement of your maximum improbability. When this baby hits 1:88 million, you're going to see some serious shit. I like to track total edges in a tease, and the number of disciplines (see below). If you close a tease, duration will continue from where to left off.
  • Del: This will generate a 3d10 result. Check random if you want this at the beginning of each slide.
  • I hope the rest is obvious...

    Menu Descriptions: Viewer
    Viewer.jpg (136.32 KiB) Viewed 5750 times
  • Slide/Rate/Time: Slide Number, Stroke Rate, Time Between Slides. (Semantics: I prefer to use "rate" for the stroke per slide, and "count" for cards that track total strokes performed.)
  • Edge/Discipline/Ignore: Counter for the metrics discussed in Help, plus the Ignore Your Next Chance to Cum (this is all manual).
  • funny little button after notes: What the heck is this thing anyway? Don't press it accidentally! It'll increase your Ignored Chances to Cum by 1, restart you to your starting rate, and suggest something unpleasant. You are, of course, welcome to edit this list to meet your taste. I left the 10 results I use as an example. In the future, this should probably be replaced by cards.
  • Notes: I use an obscene amount of trigger cards in my teases, I have to have a notes section to track everything. Each instruction it will pull in the Subject (Card Type) and Text (Comments). I hope this is standard? Clicking in the field disables hot keys until you click on the main image. Check off notes and instructions will not be added (good for blindfolds). While the tease supports .jpg, .png, .bmp, and .gif (won't animate, though) images, instructions must be in .jpg. Pngs don't have detail fields.
  • Quick Set: This is set up to work as a 10 key. Type in a number, hit enter, and the cursor stays put, ready to do it again. These fields do not accept non numeric values.
  • AddEveryUntilThen: Click add to turn it into subtract. This will Add X to your stroke rate Every Y slides Until your rate passes Z, Then it will return to A. Perhaps I will appendix some cards that use this.
  • Skip to Slide: Great option to have if the tease crashes. Half way through? Skip to Slide 500, just like magic!
  • Random: 3d10, use Delete, click random, or check to have one automatically generated at the beginning of each slide.
  • Flag/Help: See above
  • Pocket - See below (How lucky was I that this was the first slide in my demo, huh?)

    Menu Descriptions: Viewer
    Pocket.jpg (44.39 KiB) Viewed 5750 times
  • Pocket teases are patched with predetermined qualities that are added to your current tease (and trigger a purple background). These have fewer options and are a continuation of the main tease. They cannot be edited on the fly (skip to slide also help here, in case you need to jump out and make one). When time traveling, I believe it's unnecessary to add new pockets.
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But wait! That's not all!
  • Menu Descriptions: Dedicated SkirmishTM Viewer
    Skirmish.jpg (126.03 KiB) Viewed 5750 times
  • Stats: Roll 1d4 for each stat at the beginning of your tease.
  • Calculator: Sigh. Okay. The template is NAME(STAT1 SEED1 optional: STAT2 SEED2 # [X|W/L]
    1. Name: Monsters should each have a unique name
    2. Stat: Fort, Ref, or Will. You will need to use one to fight. The number that comes afterwards is your seed. Lower seeds mean harder fights. If there's more than one stat #, you'll see C or L - [C]hoose which stat you want to use, or use the [L]owest stat.
    3. X is how much XP you get. Raise a stat by this number. Harder monsters give 2 xp.
    4. W/L: This is how much damage you take. If you win, increase your stroke rate by W. If you lose, L. Losing battles quickly leads to a runaway effect where you lose all battles, and probably die.
  • Take the value of the Stat you're using, the monster's seed, 1d4, and add them all up. This is your time between slides (result). Click Roll to make it negitive (or type in '-'. Totally works here, just not elsewhere)
  • Save/Load: No need to complete all 3 Skirmish levels in the same day. This will let you exit out, and import your stats from your last tease.
Last edited by Inside7shadows on 19 Jul 2015, 18:21, edited 1 time in total.
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Add Every Until Then Examples

Subtract 5 Every 1 Until 0 Then 25
25_--5_Stroke it_s044.jpg
25_--5_Stroke it_s044.jpg (128.73 KiB) Viewed 5750 times
Add 10 Every 1 Until 15 Then 5
15_5_Stroke it_m009.jpg
15_5_Stroke it_m009.jpg (301.71 KiB) Viewed 5750 times
Add 5 Every 5 Until Then (I think you can leave these blank?)
CTI.Skirmish.Boss.002.jpg (261.3 KiB) Viewed 5750 times
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Cards specific to this Viewer:
TI.I7s.Supplemental.Special.0007.jpg (264.17 KiB) Viewed 5749 times
  • Reprimand Cards: Reprimands are used for Cumming without permission. Draw a reprimand at the beginning of your next tease. (Similar to Punishments)
    130240374821303853.jpg (282.11 KiB) Viewed 5749 times
    130240353309331092.jpg (212.79 KiB) Viewed 5749 times
That list was shorter than I was expecting
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Since this topic is to introduce new ideas, I would love to see a set creator that you can run in a table, maybe a csv? Put in all the text and image links in one place, import into the card creator, and have it spit out dozens of cards in a single run. Unfortunately, this exceeds my current abilities.
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Card Creator

Nice, many features, i will test it when i have time!

Added this site to the getting started thread.
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Can i has CTI pls
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Oh, hey, look!
Official Discipline Cards.
Collect them all!

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Card Creator

Is that zip maybe corrupted?
Can't open it.
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Can i has CTI pls
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