Dev. sneak peek

CTI 2 Development.
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Card Creator

Got some private messages, one member offered help at fixing errors on mac / linux -> Unix systems which is very very cool.
And another one offered to help me on the images, but if you want you can also help, we can spread the work.
As i want the cards created in a certain way skype would be very usefull. 8-)
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Can i has CTI pls
I made some cards!
I made some cards!
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Is there any time table on when we might be getting CTI2? Any updates? What else needs to be worked on? Is there anything problematic going on that maybe needs some help? I'm no programmer or anything, but I am to excited to wait lol :P
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Card Creator

Hi from my side almost everything is done, i have my last exam next week and i would like to release the new version after that.
There are currently 2 people working on the card images i dont know exactly how far they got, but when they are done (i need maybe a few days extra to insert the cards and search for errors) it should be ready.
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Can i has CTI pls
I made some cards!
I made some cards!
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0131 wrote:Hi from my side almost everything is done, i have my last exam next week and i would like to release the new version after that.
There are currently 2 people working on the card images i dont know exactly how far they got, but when they are done (i need maybe a few days extra to insert the cards and search for errors) it should be ready.
Oh wow I didn't know it was so close :) I'm looking forward to it. Thank you :)
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CTI 2 is going to be AWESOME!
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Card Creator

Status update:
Rothaon finished the gay version of the cards and i integrated them already into the Teaseviewer. -> Much thx @Rothaon for that!
I have to add alternative effects to 2 cards to fit the gay version. (not much work)
Ace is still working on the Core Cards, talked yesterday with him, also helped me to test other features (everything seems to work =D).

Meanwhile i got some time to work on other features :D

Since this is a Dev. sneak peek post i feel obligated to add some kind of screenshots..
You can see the Card Manager with gender preferences set to Gay as primary, as a result of this the cardtype dynamically changes from Rough Mistress to Rough Master. (I still have to filter the text)
Instead of the normal cardimage a "gay" version is displayed.
| +
sneakg.png (125.77 KiB) Viewed 5597 times
You can also see alot of unfinsihed buttons and fuctions, they are almost everywhere in the software and you will maybe have to deal with some buttons without function in the first release :?

BTW: I recently ( ...already some weeks ago^^) got some offers from other people who wanted to help me coding we uploaded the project to a git.
If someone is interested to join ask me and i will send you an invite.
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Can i has CTI pls
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I don't know java, but i would lovd to know how the cti2 works :)
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Card Creator

Rothaon wrote:I don't know java, but i would lovd to know how the cti2 works :)
0131 wrote:If someone is interested to join ask me and i will send you an invite.
Even if you just want to look at the code ^^
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Can i has CTI pls
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I'll try to do an idea that's been around my head for a long time right now. Please invite me :D


I love that drool card, I think it's one of the best :P

Also it's been a peasure to do that deck :)
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HI, I´m also not proficient with Java (only some C/C++) but would also interested in how CTI works, especially the new cards system...
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