Bondage Combo Set [under construction]

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Hey !
I recently made a poll to know what kind of set you'd like to see, and it came out that a set based on bondage would be well welcomed.

As I hate making "regular sets" that looks like any other one, I tried to find out some kind of synergy specific to this tease. Problem is that bondage is quite a "simple" concept, and is quite restrictive (as it only consists of restraining movements).

I liked the idea of combining multiple simple bondage cards to get, at the end, yourself completely bound without being able to make a single movement, according to the cards you got.
The only chance to cum you'll get are ones which require to be in several kind of bondage.

So, the idea is that you must keep adding more and more bondage until you get enough to cum. (I'll make sure you can still be able to reach orgasm, though, otherwise where would be the fun ? :p )

I've thought about it quite a lot, and I think I'm gonna choose this kind of architecture of the set (main draft, of course I'll add many "fill cards" with those ones):

  • ● Many basic bondage 'options' cards, consisting of 3~4 bondage options. Each of those options will be really simple bondage task, such as simply binding two limbs, to avoid having too much redundancy. Each time you got one of those cards, you must choose one option you have not already taken. I'll explain what's gonna happen if all options have already been chosen further. The aim of the tease is to totally complete one of those cards. So there will be several instances of the same cards. You may then choose to focus on only one/two specific cards, and use keys to get rid of the 'unnecessary' bondage.

    ● Some keys so you may adjust your 'bondage setup' and only focus to complete one of the bondage cards.

    ● The chances to cum are included in the bondage cards, let me explain : as I said earlier, most of the bondage cards will be made up of several little bondage tasks, and you will only be able to choose one at a time. On each of those bondage cards, you'll get different kind of specified bonuses if you manage completing those cards. The majority of the bonuses will consist of chance to cum, but some might be extra "joker" for the next runs, or if the card is really easy to complete, just a few facilities for the current tease (I'm open to suggestions).

    ● Rough/Nice mistresses are gonna be quite regular, I try to make them as much complementary as possible.

    ● I'm not a huge fan of edges/stroke it, so there won't be many. Only a few to make the tease more lively.

    ● I'll put some of the other cards, but it'll be 'filling' as well, I'm not planning to make anymore 'main cards'.
Ok, I hope you got the idea, but I'll still summarize :
  • ● Aim of the tease : Completing bondage cards to get chance to cum/benefits.
    ● How : Each time you get a bondage card, complete one of the options.
    ● Help given : Several keys to make the bondage setup more malleable and so you can focus on one specific card.
    ● impediments : Rough mistress that might make you go backward or make you leave the tease before achieving an orgasm.

So, you have the main ideas. It's just a sketch, so do not hesitate giving me any suggestion, or tell me if you disagree with something !

Once this set is done, I'm planning to import this set on CTI2, and take this opportunity to add more features. The main feature I have in mind is recto/verso bondage cards, so you can't know what will happen once you complete the card and so it's way harder to focus a specific card, as you don't know either you will be have a chance to cum or not. You'd only be able to see the verso once the card is completed, and then it might be some cruel surprises !

I hope you like the idea, I'll keep you informed !

Sorry for my bad english ; not my mother tongue ! ;)

If you have any set/card request, do not hesitate mp me, I'll be happy to help you ! :D

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Sounds great, can't wait to play it.
Always watching.
I made some cards!
I made some cards!
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Always up for more creative bondage cards!
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Bondage Bingo!
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I really like the set idea, reminds me of the Cheerleader Tryouts set. One very good advantage of this set will probably be that it'll be easy to mix it with other cards.

I'm waiting in anticipation to see how it turns out.
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