Mood Set [Unfinished]

I made some cards!
I made some cards!
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So I've been playing around with some of the ideas I suggested for 0131's Teaseviewer and I'm building a set based on tracking Mistress' mood during the tease. When it's finished, most cards will be modified by where Mistress falls on the Mood scale and the set will include Mood cards that change it. I've compiled a big document of possible instructions, built a new card template, and now I have the first few cards to share. ... ju_5a?dl=0

Feedback and questions on basically anything are more than welcome.
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Card Creator

Hi great cards good set idea, the template looks a bit angular.

I would add cards (beside mood cards) which offers you to take an option with the side effect to increase / decrease the mood.

Anyway, card creator rank added!
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Can i has CTI pls
I made some cards!
I made some cards!
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Joined: 14 Jul 2015, 05:53
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High-level Rough and Nice always require an additional action to avoid moving toward the center of the track, and I'm thinking Edge/Restraint will also have a smattering of options. Mood cards will also often involve a choice, a la the Trick or Treat Set.

Thanks for the flair!
I made some cards!
I made some cards!
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I really like this idea, hope to see more of it! :)

Question though. I don't understand it a little bit. If I land on a nice mistress does that count one point per nice mistress I land on. then do the row based on that...


do I add points based on what I do on each mistress card?

I'm pretty sure it's the first, but just making sure. Again I love the idea, and can't wait to see instruction and more to the set.
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