Ticker bugs when > 2Hz

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The ticker fails to keep the rythm when used at >2Hz.
Has the first sound to be finished before the new one occurs ? If so, we have to change this and thread the sound displayer.
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Hmm for example 19 strokes on a slideduration of 3 seconds? This caused the ticker to tick out of rythm for me...
I will look if i can improve the ticking alorithm.
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Can i has CTI pls
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>2Hz would be "more than twice a second". Maybe 21 stokes on a 10 second duration?

Is it possible your image setting is too high?
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for what I know, the ticker is out of rythme because of
- some latence due to the image loading.
- impossible supperposition of sound (when too quick. the 2hz I gave is not precisely measured, i't just an order of measurement)
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21 strokes on 10 seconds sounded normal for me.
But 19 on 3 caused some problems...
Volco wrote:If so, we have to change this and thread the sound displayer.
I will try that.
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Can i has CTI pls
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