Revamped Core Set

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I am currently working on a new core set of cards according to the following main design goal:

The core set should be as "vanilla" as possible, while also being large enough to be used by itself. Appeal to people who do not want to do extreme stuff, people who do not want to sift through multiple sets to find good cards, and people looking for a foundation to be used with more hardcore or situational sets.

1. Cards in this set should not require any special gear and should be as uncontroversial as possible.
2. Position-altering cards should be usable while still being able to see a computer monitor on a desk.
3. Stroke counts should generally be multiples of five, or multiples of two if absolutely necessary. This makes using a metronome way easier.
4. Cards with variables should be meaningful. "If you wear glasses..." is bad because players will likely always have the same answer.
5. Cards should not exist purely to cancel out future cards. Cards like these not only do nothing, but also make other cards do nothing.
6. Explicit instruction duration is very important. Avoid conflict between instructions to reduce confusion; proper Mistresses leave no grey area.
7. Cards should have good art. Make an effort.

I have 120 or so instructions so far. No actual cards yet, I want to make sure everything is in order before continuing. (Updated 8/12)

Any suggestions for improving or adding instructions are very welcome.
Last edited by wavedash on 12 Aug 2015, 05:38, edited 2 times in total.
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I like most of them. I'd probably like them all if I didn't have such a dislike of the entire edge category. That entire category has always seemed to be the bane of my teases so I end up removing the entire category for myself.
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Unless you have a rarity feature (most viewers don't), I also try to avoid "strictly better" cards. It might be worth posting your game rules. What happens when you can't keep up with your stroke rate?

I also strive for minimum card types. Kudos there. All my Chastity Belts are labeled Rough Mistress; none require keys. All my edges count as Stroke It!s

Are you keeping your stroke count on all your C2Cs? It sounds like that for the first three, but it's really hard to cum on a random slide at a specific rate.

Also, relying on image content hurts compatability, and unnaturally skews porn collection. I automatically save any picture with a wedding dress because of 1 chance 2 cum I have.

I mean, it's a difficult quest, understandibly. Just the nature of kink adds a high degree of variance. Unlike Krell, I think 20% of my stroke it! cards involve edging. So, you have my support there.

Changing stroke count during a slide is difficult for most viewers.

#100 doesn't have a clear duration.

You might consider looking over the Stamina and Paradise sets, I think they had similar objectives.

Anyone have rules on the plural form of card types?
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Inside7shadows wrote:Unless you have a rarity feature (most viewers don't), I also try to avoid "strictly better" cards. It might be worth posting your game rules. What happens when you can't keep up with your stroke rate?
I think those types of cards are generally fine. For example, it's pretty common (and accepted) for there to be Key cards that just release you from chastity, and Key cards that release you from chastity and then do something more. If your deck is big enough, there's a decent chance you'll never see both in one sitting.
Inside7shadows wrote:Are you keeping your stroke count on all your C2Cs? It sounds like that for the first three, but it's really hard to cum on a random slide at a specific rate.
Yeah, I struggled with this in making these cards. It seems like the CTI founders back in the day didn't really have a consensus on this. For the sake of making instructions clearer, I think it's best to default to keeping your stroke rate unless otherwise state. I'll change some of the harder/rarer chances to cum to allow any stroke rate, and see where to go from there.
Inside7shadows wrote:Also, relying on image content hurts compatability, and unnaturally skews porn collection. I automatically save any picture with a wedding dress because of 1 chance 2 cum I have.
I tried not to include any really obscure or polarizing fetishes. Are there any in particular you think would be problematic?
Inside7shadows wrote:Changing stroke count during a slide is difficult for most viewers.
I don't think any of my cards do that, do they?
Inside7shadows wrote:You might consider looking over the Stamina and Paradise sets, I think they had similar objectives.
I've actually been skimming through this giant .zip of 3000 cards to find ideas for cards. (Edit: oh wait that's you isn't it)
Inside7shadows wrote:Anyone have rules on the plural form of card types?
I think it's generally best to just add "cards" to the end, eg "Bondage cards" rather than "Bondages." Plural any nouns ("Chances to Cum," "Rough Mistresses") because it just sounds good.
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I liked your rules (have I read them before, or is this Deja vu?) and try to follow all but 1 and 3. Of course, when making a set for everybody, rule 1 becomes much more important. In spirit, 'Strictly Better' is another rule I try to observe. Again, it does depend on the format if you're playing Draft*, or a Premade Deck.
It seems like the CTI founders back in the day didn't really have a consensus on this.
It puts the Custom in CTI
Are there any in particular you think would be problematic?
Eh, I guess it averages out. A few cards will be more valuable, the rest will be worth peanuts. But that does run up against Rule 4...
I mean, don't get me wrong; I do this for my own teases. But for General Audiences, it's tricky.
Increase your stroke count by five on every slide with a pair of panties. If you reach 40, reset it to five and continue.
I guess I was expecting for every slide. Not sure why I suddenly got so literal.

Pluralizing Cards is so much easier!

*Wait... is this possible? I love drafting formats! I uh, I'm gonna have to think about this.
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Inside7shadows wrote:It puts the Custom in CTI
Well sure, but if you get "too custom" then cards start getting confusing, and I don't think anyone wants that. I do have my own set of rules, but I don't think posting them would be very useful unless they're worked into the cards themselves.
Inside7shadows wrote:*Wait... is this possible? I love drafting formats! I uh, I'm gonna have to think about this.
Wow, the potential of this is awesome, in the "inspiring awe" kind of way. You could create your deck to fit your own goals. You wouldn't have to worry so much about "pruning" a handful of not-so-good cards from your collection. And you could get stats for how often you pick cards, to improve your collection. You could even have other people draft for you, if you're into that kind of thing.

And that's just Hearthstone Arena-style drafting. The discarded cards could play a role as well. You could do drafting like in Magic with multiple people, or maybe the leftovers are just saved for a later session.

Maybe you could even fit something like that into the tease itself. Instead of just getting one instruction card every 10 slides, you instead are shown multiple. And you can choose which one to follow. Or maybe which one not to follow if there's more than two, but that might be a bit too hard to adapt.
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I got to thinking choices would have to be given in groups. Like, you pair 3 Rough Mistress cards with a Chance to Cum, and you select one of two groups provided. You can also pair 3 Stroke It! cards with a Nice Mistress.

Always choosing cards during a tease wouldn't work for me. I couldn't suspend disbelief, and would always take the easiest way out. That just gets boring. Not unless there's an incentive like Trick or Treat.

Statics would be amazing. Once upon a time, you could play Dominion on line for free, and they provided tables of information harvested from all those games. It was the most amazing data sets I've ever seen in my life. (Example: if you didn't buy a Chapel on the first turn, you had a 96% chance of losing).
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The other thing I would recommend, is there's a certain quirkiness to the variety of the cards. Have a few cards to introduce players to concepts they might not be familiar with, like kegels. Breath-holding is great on a Chance to Cum, and I'm glad to see that in the list. Attached is one of my favorite cards. It's like that moment where you realize an enchantment (Aura) is better on your opponent's creature.

Edit: This should say 'Converted by I7s'. I am not the original author of this card. I just updated it.
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I really liked that card at first, but after thinking about it, shouldn't there be a simpler way to phrase the instruction given that if the player takes the Chance to Cum, they'll probably start immediately after the instruction card?

Also, that reminds me of something I've always wondered about. Are all Chances to Cum optional, unless said otherwise? And if they're optional, does that mean all instructions on the card are tied together? In other words, you can't take part of the instruction, but ignore the part that specifically deals with cumming.
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I've always played that Chance to Cum cards are optional, and you can choose to skip one. Your tease should be structured so this is rarely a viable option. If you choose not to skip, you have to follow all the instructions. Whether or not you successfully cum is another matter.

Then as a fall back, I have a few that are not optional/can't be ignored.
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