Release v0.4.1

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Just an update, I am still having the issue of the program randomly freezing up around the 100 slides mark. I checked task manager and nothing seemed to be out of line there. Any tease I have that goes above 100 slides ends up freezing and I have to close the entire program down and restart.

When this happens, this is how it goes down.

-You get one tick a the new slide and then it stops. At this point you can manually change slides for about 5 seconds and then the whole program freezes. It's not just the tease, but the entire tease viewer that freezes and becomes unresponsive. Task manager lists the program as not responding. Only thing I can get it to do at this point is close. The slides it freezes on seem to be completely random. I've had it freeze on JPG, GIF, and PNG.

What other information do you need to attempt to identify the issue? Is there anything I should try to do to rectify this? I can record my screen and upload either pictures or videos of the screen when it freezes up if that helps.
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The same thing happens to me. I am unable to find error file or anything else. It seems related to the Stroke Counter. The last time I set it to 0 it never crashed. Seems like if it is running high (20+) it crashes faster, or low (5) it crashes slower. Hitting the U button doesn't make a difference. Once it stops there is no bringing it back, have to end the program and completely restart it. Also shouldn't the stroke counter go to 0 on instruction cards? I think a previous version did this. Thanks
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Card Creator

Hi thanks for the update, yes the ticker should not "tick" on cards i will look why it does in v0.4.
//Edit: The ticker works normal for me it ticks on images and stops on cards.
Do you keep your cardfolders into a folder named "cards" or "Cards", if not then this is the reason.
The ticker only stops ticking if a image is drawn from a folder containing "/cards/" or "/Cards/" inside the path.

Sounds like a memory leak to me...
Which OS do you two use?
How much RAM do you have?
Observe (and write down) how much memory is taken in task manager before it freezes or just around the 100 slide mark.

You can give java programms more ram by running them with tese parameter:
-Xmx2048M -Xms2048M

(Maybe this can help you or it will allow you to run a longer tease until it crashes, instead of 2048 you can use any product of X*1028)
If you think its the counter then we have to investigate in this direction too, disable the ticker please and run a session and look if it crashes after some time,
1. Session with strokerate > 0 but sound muted.
2. With strokerate 0.

It seems we both are right, its some sort of memory leak and its caused by the ticker.
If you run a tease and look at the taskmanager you can see the uses memory increasing by ~150K each second but only if the ticker is played, i think its the file stream which never gets closed, so after many ticks the programm just runs out of memory and stops working.
//Edit3: Fixed this bug and building a new version.
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Did you change anything with the card creator in 0.4.1? I just updated, and I'm not longer getting the "Save as New Card" option unless I first click "New Card."
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Is it possible to make it an option to still have the ticking during cards? Or will that cause it to continue to crash?
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Card Creator

wavedash wrote:Did you change anything with the card creator in 0.4.1? I just updated, and I'm not longer getting the "Save as New Card" option unless I first click "New Card."
Hmm no should work like before.
Bamith wrote:Is it possible to make it an option to still have the ticking during cards? Or will that cause it to continue to crash?
No the crash was caused by playing a filestream without closing, i can add such an option but until that you can simply change the card folders name to something different aslong there is no folder named "card" or "Card" the ticker wont stop.
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Been using it with no issues so far but tonight after adding a new folder it seems that the ticking sound has changed and is much higher pitched. It's actually quite uncomfortable to listen to but I like having the sound to pace myself properly.

I originally assumed that this was caused by having too many images but even when loading a folder with only 5 images in after the first occurrence of this issue the sound remains broken.

If I make a "fresh install" everything sounds normal again. I'll try fiddling around and see if there's a specific folder that causes this - maybe there's a file in there that shouldn't be.
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Can we just load custom .wavs? Maybe after checking for length and size? :Realisticdildo:
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Card Creator

You can replace the ticker.wav inside the jar file, just open the jar with winrar and go to sounds and replace it (Does not work with every wav).
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I am having a very minor though annoying problem in windows 10, the windows keep resizing themselves and the bottom always goes behind the taskbar, i can adjust it fine, so i have to scroll up and down the program but as soon as i go to make a new card it resizes itself again :/ Im using a normal 1920x1080 aspect ratio too so nothing really short or anything xD

also noticed that i cant use .gif or webm files, the gif files load but it locks up when saving the slide. I cant select webm files, and if i manually point the program to them they dont show up on the slide.
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