Jan 2020 Card Contest + Update

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Hi everyone! Happy New Year!

After a while we are back with the Monthly Card Contest. But, a quick update before we start:

I've been unexpectedly away for the end of the previous year and some people may have missed his prizes. If that's the case pm me or 0131.

We're switching from proposing themes to propose decks.

To signal the end of the card submission period I'll post it on discord / forum. It will be around a month.


The deck being focused on January is

The Core Set is a set made to quickly introduce teases to new users. Its principal characteristic is that it doesn't use items.

- 1st place: 20 keys.
- 2nd place: 15 keys.
- 3rd place: 10 keys.
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I thought a card like this would make a great fit for the core set as it reduces the things a player has to remember and encourages even more to not loose any Chances.
Also it would make for a good little safety net if a new player misjudges the cards they add to the set as they continue to explore CTI.

Love you all! Have a nice day!

Of cause it is important to have this card in two versions. And this time i didn't messed up the logo.

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Here we go, an attempt at a simple but interesting card. Not sure if it has been done before (probably has been) but I cannot find it.
CTI.Vanadium.CTI Core Set.Chastity Belt_Key.01.png
CTI.Vanadium.CTI Core Set.Chastity Belt_Key.01.png (1.45 MiB) Viewed 14743 times
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Bondage cards that do not require any items are surely difficult to make and sometimes may be awkward to play with. Still, could maybe cards like this give new players at least a little taste of helplessness?

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Yes, you can. I think the instruction would be clearer if you asked it to grab his ankles with his hands. Or something along those lines.
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Hmmm.... Yeah, you are probably right. It feels the more natural solution to tell them to grab their ankles and just keep their legs together. However just at the time i was about to write that, the picture suddenly started to talk to me:
"Hey, i know you want to try and put me in the core set due to a strange deja-vu you had upon seeing me. But take a closer look. Do i look like ordinary symmetric western bondage to you? This is hentai!"
Then it persuaded me to orientate the instruction around the shown original Japanese Bondage position, by threatening to curse me.

Yes, i have far too wild an imagination. I think what i am trying to say is, that i probably lost focus and an other version would be more practical. I was also wondering if there should be an explicit penalty for failure. But there is only so much you can write on a card until it starts to look ugly. (And since i always write too much when i am not holding my self back, this tend to happen a lot.) Let's just say, i don't consider myself experienced enough to make final calls on the concrete wording of a card. (I always change the cards i am using myself all the time.) In fact i trust your judgment more than my own. So thank you. And sorry for mumbling nonsense, it happens from time to time when i am tired or ill or drunk or when the stars align the wrong way. :D

I wonder if i should make an alternative version with that in mind...?
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NoelLeBraz wrote: i always write too much
No way.

Jokes aside, the wording of a card pretty much depends on your style.

My cards tend to have short/direct instructions because I dont like them colliding with further instructions and that allows you to bend them a bit.

So my wording on that card would be "Copy the position depicted w/o ropes. Hump the floor instead of stroking."

Maybe with a little punishment. "+1SD each time you separate your hands or ankles."

"Stay in this position until a contradicting instruction" makes sense depending on your rules. If you delete a rule when another card of the same type appears it makes sense. But if you don't, it is redundant.


But that's me not caring about sending the idea of Japanese bondage.
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Here it is mine.
CTI.Rothaon.Supplemental.Rough Mistress.01.png
CTI.Rothaon.Supplemental.Rough Mistress.01.png (869.4 KiB) Viewed 14650 times
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there arew my 2.
CTI2.Unknown.Contest.Stroke It!.01.png
CTI2.Unknown.Contest.Stroke It!.01.png (544.19 KiB) Viewed 14553 times
CTI2.Unknown.Contest.Stroke It!.02.png
CTI2.Unknown.Contest.Stroke It!.02.png (403.68 KiB) Viewed 14553 times
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I'll be closing the Monthly Contest tomorrow at night.

Last 24 h! :Sexybunny:
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