Fucked Silly Set [Set idea]

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Heyho. I've been a bit silent here, since I have a lot of other things to do, but here is something new I can show you.

Its a CTI 2 - Set (idea) and i need your help and ideas to make it real!

fuckedsilly.png (4.7 KiB) Viewed 6372 times
What is the set about:
The Fucked Silly Set is a quiz based set featuring ahegao fetish, it is playable on top of the Core Set but is an own playable Set with special rules (=no addon => not playable with other sets).
This set will include some cards of the Lab Scenario and Sexual Trivia sets

  • Follow the rules of the Core Set.
  • Start with an IQ of 100.
  • If you reach an IQ of 0 you lose. (Congratulations you are a tomato)

How is it played?
Its played like the Core Set with a new value the IQ, you start with an IQ value of 100.
The set will introduce 2-4 new Card Types which can alternate your IQ, the most important new type is the Question a deck should consist of around 15% of these cards.
Answering the question right will increase your IQ (most likely). Answering it false will decrease it.
Questions get harder with an higher IQ and will get easier with a low IQ. You also have a time limit to answer a question.
Upon reaching a very low IQ, questions can get very ludicrous, but that's ok.

If questions get easier how can someone who is not fucked silly drop to an IQ of 0?
This brings me to the next card type the Mental State, although you can draw / suffer from more than one Mental States you start with one basic instance of a random Mental State.
A Mental State fucks your ability to answer questions up and will make it harder to answer them depending on how low your current IQ is.
They get triggered every time your IQ reaches a certain level and will add or remove effects making it really hard to answer even the simplest question.
Example | +
example.png (1.17 MiB) Viewed 6372 times
What other Card types are included?
Brain Gain: Adds IQ + does something or requires you to do something.
Brain Drain: Removes IQ + does something or requires you to do something.

Is there more?
Concerning Chances to Cum; it seems that dumb people have a few more of them.
While being near fucked silly, you have an extra chance to draw a Chance to Cum instead of a question Card.
They are also easier or more enjoyable than the Chance to Cum cards for people with a high IQ value.
exmp.png (138.56 KiB) Viewed 6372 times
Example cards | +
CTI2.Number 0131.Fucked Silly.Question.02.png
CTI2.Number 0131.Fucked Silly.Question.02.png (383.17 KiB) Viewed 6361 times
CTI2.Number 0131.Fucked Silly.Mental State.03.png
CTI2.Number 0131.Fucked Silly.Mental State.03.png (521.03 KiB) Viewed 6372 times
CTI2.Number 0131.Fucked Silly.Mental State.02.png
CTI2.Number 0131.Fucked Silly.Mental State.02.png (519.9 KiB) Viewed 6372 times
CTI2.Number 0131.Fucked Silly.Mental State.01.png
CTI2.Number 0131.Fucked Silly.Mental State.01.png (1.26 MiB) Viewed 6372 times
How many questions are there, wouldn't get it a bit boring to get a question twice?
The amount of questions is indeed a problem, the community is required to help at this point!
I wrote this Survey to make it as easy as possible for the community to add a question to the pool.
You will be able to update your question pool inside the teaseviewers set menu to get new question made by the community.

Can i do more? :D
Sure! If you have good ideas for cards and / or images to use in this set, post them.
Also, all other ideas and suggestions are welcome here.
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Can i has CTI pls
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Yes no problem just assign a suiting IQ to the question. Sexual trivia is cool but not essential.
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Can i has CTI pls
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Given that ahegao is part of the things I enjoy, I like this idea.
I assume if one loses that means the tease ends without one being able to cum?

Aside from that looking at the laid out set up I think there might be too few of an incentive to get a high IQ.
Basically as long as you can read the cards (at least with current mental state examples) it is best to stay at the lowest IQ possible (with a certain buffer).
Like there probably isn't much of a reason to go above 100 or even 120.

Less intelligent people are easier to exploit, have a harder time getting their will then intellectuals and generally have a harder life (at least I like to imagine that), so maybe one could set an incentive for becoming intelli-smart, by making rough mistresses less hard and nice mistresses nicer for higher IQ, or something? (would that count as an incentive in a game for subs, though? Probably depends on the cards)
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^given the fucked silly theme of the set I would personally not mind it to be rigged towards the lower IQ levels, though it is true that balancing to not be completely chanceless is a factor as well.
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Yes you are right we should add a reward for a high iq value.
More ideas for that?
Making rough mistresses less hard is difficult to implement as we already have many these cards which dont offer such a function. (except value / duration)
I assume if one loses that means the tease ends without one being able to cum?
Who decides what classifieds as a high IQ question. What is common knowledge for one might be rocket science for another. Are you going to check the submitted questions and the IQ level?
A high IQ question is hard to answer for an average person, everything above 150 or 200 can be rocket science.. stuff which no person usually knows, since there is no upper limit questions should get almost impossible at a certain point.

Yes i will check and approve every question but i havent wrote the function for that yet >.< same goes for the login.
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Can i has CTI pls
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Worked a bit on the webform, seemed as there was a problem with the iq value which was not taken from the survey into the db.
There are 3 question from one of you guys without an IQ value, would you like to tell me which iq (from -> to) you aimed at?
  • 5-4*(1+1)^2
  • In ascending order, which body parts are labelled? * 2 times with different image and options
I also enabled the name field from the login, you can now add you name when publishing questions.
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Can i has CTI pls
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All three mine.
Math question I put normal.
First labelling Smart, second one slow. (IIRC)
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0131 wrote:I wrote this Servey to make it as easy as possible for the community to add a question to the pool.
Ehm... that would be survey :)
Always watching.
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Simon wrote:
0131 wrote:I wrote this Servey to make it as easy as possible for the community to add a question to the pool.
Ehm... that would be survey :)
:oops: fixed^^
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Can i has CTI pls
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Once I was playing You Don't Know Jack with a friend, and the lightning round was sexual fetishes. Never sense have I so thoroughly destroyed somebody in trivia. They stared, agape in shock, only able to mutter "...How?" That was the most difficult question to answer.

That IQ graphic is pimp.

Edit: Is the IQ range supposed to change when selecting Aimed IQ?
2nd edit: Is there a way to fix a submitted question? I forgot to mark the wrong answers. Resubmitted it.
3rd Edit: Have a card that runs a partial Al Bhed cipher. The dumber you get, the more letters get swapped. Can you make it so getting smarter unlocks the same set of letters consistently? Like A R and Q don't get switched, and if you get Smarter it becomes A D R and Q, etc?

Obligatory IQ reference:
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