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What if ____ was a pregenerated CTI tease?

Posted: 21 May 2017, 15:56
by Qrr
This is a game for card creators. The premise is this: What if ____ was a CTI slideshow, that you have to watch without shuffling?

The rules are simple:
1. First person to comment each month get to choose the thing to be put in place of _____ (blank spot). The blank spot can be anything, like a movie or a game.
2. Each post should have a CTI card, that fits the subject. That includes this post and any other that start a new month.
3. Any card submitted is accepted as canon.
4. After every card put a number that will correspond to the amount of porn images before the next card.

Cus the end of this month is not that far, lets take as a first subject "Minecraft". Specifically first time blind singleplayer survival Minecraft.
CTI.RomanQrr.What if Minecraft.Dilemma.01.png
CTI.RomanQrr.What if Minecraft.Dilemma.01.png (762.66 KiB) Viewed 3582 times
15 pictures afterwards.

Re: What if ____ was a pregenerated CTI tease?

Posted: 22 May 2017, 14:35
by Rothaon
I almost put Rough Mojang in the card title :')

Re: What if ____ was a pregenerated CTI tease?

Posted: 23 May 2017, 21:28
by Simon
As a big fan of minecraft back in the day, I decided to contribute, more may come later.
CTI.Simon.What if Minecraft.Chance to Cum.01.png
CTI.Simon.What if Minecraft.Chance to Cum.01.png (212.19 KiB) Viewed 3545 times
edit: fixed my pic

Re: What if ____ was a pregenerated CTI tease?

Posted: 29 May 2017, 13:30
by Rothaon
Decisions... decide without knowing what will come...