by Rothaon » 21 Jun 2020, 23:16
Hi everyone!
I have been making a teaseviewer for the last months. It started as a project to automate the Skirmish Set, but ended up being a Teaseviewer aiming to support deck control, deck building, deck manipulation, tease control and that sort of stuff.
It also supports a language similar to Simon's Script cards, and it has a built-in card script editor.
This beta version comes with the Skimish set, but some things aren't automated. Most actions involving edging have to be done manually.
Anyway, I'm relesing this so you can test it and say any issues that arise.
There are features that still need to be implemented like supplemental cards and iimproving deck control and card repetition.
Download Rothaon's Teaseviewer ( Updated 22/06 )
Lots of thanks to ネコ (Discord) who helped to solve some crashing issues.
Known issues:
You can't start a tease after a tease ended.
Hi everyone!
I have been making a teaseviewer for the last months. It started as a project to automate the Skirmish Set, but ended up being a Teaseviewer aiming to support deck control, deck building, deck manipulation, tease control and that sort of stuff.
It also supports a language similar to Simon's Script cards, and it has a built-in card script editor.
This beta version comes with the Skimish set, but some things aren't automated. Most actions involving edging have to be done manually.
Anyway, I'm relesing this so you can test it and say any issues that arise.
There are features that still need to be implemented like supplemental cards and iimproving deck control and card repetition.
[url=] Download Rothaon's Teaseviewer ( Updated 22/06 ) [/url]
Lots of thanks to ネコ (Discord) who helped to solve some crashing issues.
[u]Known issues:[/u]
You can't start a tease after a tease ended.